Well, it's been a while again but I have been painting. Most of it has been Christmas Cards for a forum I belong to so can't show those until they've been received by the recipients, of course.
I've also been working on a request from my dear daughter that was so totally out of my league that I felt I should ask her to get another artist!
Seriously, she has just finished remodeling her living room, kitchen, entry and bathrooms and wanted an abstract painting for the living room - a large abstract painting!
If you've paid any attention to my blog and the paintings I've posted, you know that most are relatively small paintings and about as far from abstract as you can get. Plus, my daughter and I are pretty far apart when it comes to liking certain things.
For instance, I've never felt that she really liked any of the art I've done so was really surprised that she asked me to do a painting for her in the first place. Then I was totally surprised when she said she loved what I'd done.
Thank God - literally - as I'd really prayed for guidance in the execution of the painting!
Anyway, here it is - not my usual style at all so hope you like it (my ever diplomatic DH said it 'grows on you'). It may not match her sofa but I do think it will look good in her living room!
It's 3feet by 2 feet, acrylic on cradled panels.
abstract | | | | | |
Hope to post more in the coming weeks but you know how crazy it always gets around the holidays!