Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another Unfinished Find

I think I need to quit cleaning my studio!  I keep finding unfinished work that makes me want to stop cleaning and start painting! 

The iris on the left is a watercolor on Ampersand Aquabord and has a background made from scrunched up cling wrap.  I've tried this technique in the past and it didn't work well for me but I actually like it in this painting.  Of course, there's a ton more work to do on this and I may finish it in gouache instead of transparent watercolor.  It's only when you get further along in a painting can you really tell whether a background is going to work or not.

In any case, the background will need some tweaking as work on the foreground will throw off the background.  In painting, it's work on the subject, then tweak the background.  Tweak the subject a bit then the background's off.  The whole painting process involves working back and forth between subject and background.  The painting just isn't finished until everything is balanced to the artist's satisfaction.


Sue Clinker said...

I like what you've done with the background. I can 'see' all sorts of things there in the 'scrunching'.... leaves, flowers etc

Jan said...

Thanks Sue, that's the point of the cling wrap as it can suggest leaves, etc. without having to actually paint them. I'll probably have to enhance some things and do a bit of negative painting but it gives me a "jumping off" place anyway.