The exhibition was very nice and the art was all very well done and I wanted to show some photos I took while there and this is not all of the paintings. I'm not a professional photographer and some just didn't come out well enough to post. The ones below are purposely small but you can click on them to enlarge them some.
Two of the paintings I submitted are in the last photo above - the heron and the butterfly on the red flower. I'd also taken another painting shown below, which I was told sold on the first day of the exhibition.
This is a painting that I particularly like because it's acrylic - yes, acrylic! I felt this was the one acrylic painting that went well and where the struggle with the paint was worth it. This photo is terrible as it's a copy of a copy but at least you'll know what painting sold.
Just wanted to bring everyone up to date and thought a blog post would do that!