I'm still playing with watercolor - painting some on Graphix DuraLar Matte and some on some cheap Canson watercolor paper that I bought at WalMart. No great masterpieces but I am learning and that's the whole point for me.
Holstein on DuraLar Matte |
This first painting is watercolor on DuraLar Matte. It was the first painting on that support and it shows! However, DuraLar is not usually used with watercolor so I guess it's not bad for what it is!
Apple on DuraLar Matte |
This apple was done from life and the colors aren't quite as bright as you see here. I experimented with painting on both sides which worked better than I'd expected. I wanted to wash out the shadow but that didn't work out as planned!
Watercolor on Canson |
I call this one "Blowin' in the Wind'. It's an experiment in negative painting as well as color washes. I need to get some decent watercolor paper if I'm going to continue with this medium as the Canson doesn't work very well. You'd think it would be a decent paper since I think Canson makes the much preferred Arches watercolor paper.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I am painting and a real masterpiece is on the way! lol