Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Escambia Bay, Florida

We took a very quick trip to Florida to see my mother in law and my husband's sister and her family.  I haven't had time to make any art but we did take a walk along Escambia Bay while we were there and I thought I'd share one of the photos.

Unfortunately, with the trees, there's not a really great view of the bay so I thought I'd share a photo of the walkway where you can walk along with brief glimpses of the bay.  The whole walk ended up being about a mile because the walkway started out just off the highway then circled back to it to a different parking lot.

It was hot there even though there was a nice breeze off the water.  Even so, a mile long walk in hot weather when you aren't really used to it is very tiring!

Hopefully I'll be able to get back to painting after today.  Somebody slow down time and crack the whip!

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